Green Tree Garden Club has donated over $561,487.93 to our Community!!!!
Below is a list of the recipients:
Aldo Leopold Scholarship
American Friends of Blerancourt
American Horticultural Society
Audubon Camp
Boerner Botanical Garden
Cedar Rapids Garden Club
Center for Plant Conservation
Christ Church
Flower Arranging Study Group
GCA 100th Anniversary Centennial Fund
GCA Butterfly Garden (Smithsonian)
GCA Endowment Fund
GCA Colony & State
GCA Flower Arranging Study Group
GCA Scholarship Fund
GCA Second Century Campaign
GCA Student Fellowship Exchange
Garden Conservancy
Good Hope School
Habitat for Humanity
Harbor District
Historic Milwaukee
Historic Preservation
Ice Age Park & Trail Foundation
International Crane Foundation
Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful
Lakeside Children's Center
Landscape Plant Development Center
Luther Manor
Magnolia Park
Maple Dale-Indian Hill School Prairie Restoration
Milwaukee Art Museum
Milwaukee Boys Club
Milwaukee Children's Hospital
Milwaukee County Society for Mental Health
Milwaukee Downer Seminary
Milwaukee Harbor District
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Milwaukee County Parks
Milwaukee Public Museum - Botany Dept.
Milwaukee Zoo Bird Fund
Lake Park Friends (for trees)
National Parks
Nature Conservancy
National Council of State Garden Clubs
National Trust-Historic Preservation
O'Donnell Park
Old World Wisconsin
Ozaukee Washington Land Trust
Ozaukee Washington Land Trust Goats
Park People
Pennsylvania School for Horticulture for Women
Performing Arts Center
Ridges Sanctuary
Riveredge Nature Center
Riverview Housing
St. Christopher's Church
St. John's Tower
Save the Redwoods
Schlitz Audubon Nature Center
Seeds for Britain
Smithsonian Internship Program
Sojourner Truth House
Student Conservation
Teens Grow Greens
The Hunger Task Force Farm
Urban Ecology Center
Villa Terrace
Whitnall Park
Wisconsin Audubon Camp Fund
Wisconsin Executive Residence
Wisconsin Humane Society
Wisconsin Nature Conservancy
Woods Veteran Hospital
Green Tree Garden Club has donated over $561,487.93 to our Community!!!!
Below is a list of the recipients:
Aldo Leopold Scholarship
American Friends of Blerancourt
American Horticultural Society
Audubon Camp
Boerner Botanical Garden
Cedar Rapids Garden Club
Center for Plant Conservation
Christ Church
Flower Arranging Study Group
GCA 100th Anniversary Centennial Fund
GCA Butterfly Garden (Smithsonian)
GCA Endowment Fund
GCA Colony & State
GCA Flower Arranging Study Group
GCA Scholarship Fund
GCA Second Century Campaign
GCA Student Fellowship Exchange
Garden Conservancy
Good Hope School
Habitat for Humanity
Harbor District
Historic Milwaukee
Historic Preservation
Ice Age Park & Trail Foundation
International Crane Foundation
Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful
Lakeside Children's Center
Landscape Plant Development Center
Luther Manor
Magnolia Park
Maple Dale-Indian Hill School Prairie Restoration
Milwaukee Art Museum
Milwaukee Boys Club
Milwaukee Children's Hospital
Milwaukee County Society for Mental Health
Milwaukee Downer Seminary
Milwaukee Harbor District
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Milwaukee County Parks
Milwaukee Public Museum - Botany Dept.
Milwaukee Zoo Bird Fund
Lake Park Friends (for trees)
National Parks
Nature Conservancy
National Council of State Garden Clubs
National Trust-Historic Preservation
O'Donnell Park
Old World Wisconsin
Ozaukee Washington Land Trust
Ozaukee Washington Land Trust Goats
Park People
Pennsylvania School for Horticulture for Women
Performing Arts Center
Ridges Sanctuary
Riveredge Nature Center
Riverview Housing
St. Christopher's Church
St. John's Tower
Save the Redwoods
Schlitz Audubon Nature Center
Seeds for Britain
Smithsonian Internship Program
Sojourner Truth House
Student Conservation
Teens Grow Greens
The Hunger Task Force Farm
Urban Ecology Center
Villa Terrace
Whitnall Park
Wisconsin Audubon Camp Fund
Wisconsin Executive Residence
Wisconsin Humane Society
Wisconsin Nature Conservancy
Woods Veteran Hospital
Aldo Leopold Scholarship
The Aldo Leopold Scholarship is awarded to graduate students who have demonstrated talent, ability, and interest in natural resources. It was established by Green Tree Garden Club in honor of Aldo Leopold, a UW Wildlife Ecology professor who is best known for his book “A Sand County Almanac”. The scholarship is listed on the CALS (College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at UW-Madison) website as the “Aldo Leopold (Green Tree Garden Club) Scholarship”. It is awarded to CALS graduate students studying Forest Science, Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, or Wildlife Ecology.
Green Tree Garden Club originated this scholarship many years ago. Although the initiation date is not available, records show donations going back to a 1949. Green Tree Garden Club currently donates $1,500 to the scholarship every year. Students are able to electronically apply online and are awarded scholarship monies by the CALS committee. CALS has awarded over 600 scholarships totaling more than one million dollars to students for the 2018-2019 academic year. Scholarship recipients of the Aldo Leopold Scholarship are encouraged to write an appreciation note to Green Tree Garden Club. The recipient for this year’s scholarship is Michael Hardy, and below is his note.
Maryglen Kieckhefer
Awards/Scholarship Chair
Green Tree Garden Club originated this scholarship many years ago. Although the initiation date is not available, records show donations going back to a 1949. Green Tree Garden Club currently donates $1,500 to the scholarship every year. Students are able to electronically apply online and are awarded scholarship monies by the CALS committee. CALS has awarded over 600 scholarships totaling more than one million dollars to students for the 2018-2019 academic year. Scholarship recipients of the Aldo Leopold Scholarship are encouraged to write an appreciation note to Green Tree Garden Club. The recipient for this year’s scholarship is Michael Hardy, and below is his note.
Maryglen Kieckhefer
Awards/Scholarship Chair